86 research outputs found

    Kac's chaos and Kac's program

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    In this note I present the main results about the quantitative and qualitative propagation of chaos for the Boltzmann-Kac system obtained in collaboration with C. Mouhot in \cite{MMinvent} which gives a possible answer to some questions formulated by Kac in \cite{Kac1956}. We also present some related recent results about Kac's chaos and Kac's program obtained in \cite{MMWchaos,HaurayMischler,KleberSphere} by K. Carrapatoso, M. Hauray, C. Mouhot, B. Wennberg and myself

    Kinetic equations with Maxwell boundary conditions

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    We prove global stability results of {\sl DiPerna-Lions} renormalized solutions for the initial boundary value problem associated to some kinetic equations, from which existence results classically follow. The (possibly nonlinear) boundary conditions are completely or partially diffuse, which includes the so-called Maxwell boundary conditions, and we prove that it is realized (it is not only a boundary inequality condition as it has been established in previous works). We are able to deal with Boltzmann, Vlasov-Poisson and Fokker-Planck type models. The proofs use some trace theorems of the kind previously introduced by the author for the Vlasov equations, new results concerning weak-weak convergence (the renormalized convergence and the biting L1L^1-weak convergence), as well as the Darroz\`es-Guiraud information in a crucial way

    Spectral analysis of semigroups and growth-fragmentation equations

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    The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) On the one hand, the paper revisits the spectral analysis of semigroups in a general Banach space setting. It presents some new and more general versions, and provides comprehensible proofs, of classical results such as the spectral mapping theorem, some (quantified) Weyl's Theorems and the Krein-Rutman Theorem. Motivated by evolution PDE applications, the results apply to a wide and natural class of generators which split as a dissipative part plus a more regular part, without assuming any symmetric structure on the operators nor Hilbert structure on the space, and give some growth estimates and spectral gap estimates for the associated semigroup. The approach relies on some factorization and summation arguments reminiscent of the Dyson-Phillips series in the spirit of those used in [87,82,48,81]. (2) On the other hand, we present the semigroup spectral analysis for three important classes of "growth-fragmentation" equations, namely the cell division equation, the self-similar fragmentation equation and the McKendrick-Von Foerster age structured population equation. By showing that these models lie in the class of equations for which our general semigroup analysis theory applies, we prove the exponential rate of convergence of the solutions to the associated remarkable profile for a very large and natural class of fragmentation rates. Our results generalize similar estimates obtained in \cite{MR2114128,MR2536450} for the cell division model with (almost) constant total fragmentation rate and in \cite{MR2832638,MR2821681} for the self-similar fragmentation equation and the cell division equation restricted to smooth and positive fragmentation rate and total fragmentation rate which does not increase more rapidly than quadratically. It also improves the convergence results without rate obtained in \cite{MR2162224,MR2114413} which have been established under similar assumptions to those made in the present work

    Uniqueness and long time asymptotics for the parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel equation

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    The present paper deals with the parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel equation in the plane inthe general framework of weak (or "free energy") solutions associated to an initial datum with finite mass M\textless{} 8\pi, finite second log-moment and finite entropy. The aim of the paper is twofold:(1) We prove the uniqueness of the "free energy" solution. The proof uses a DiPerna-Lions renormalizing argument which makes possible to get the "optimal regularity" as well as an estimate of the difference of two possible solutions in the critical L4/3L^{4/3} Lebesgue norm similarly as for the 2d2d vorticity Navier-Stokes equation. (2) We prove a radially symmetric and polynomial weighted L2L^2 exponential stability of the self-similar profile in the quasi parabolic-elliptic regime. The proof is based on a perturbation argument which takes advantage of the exponential stability of the self-similar profile for the parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel equation established by Campos-Dolbeault and Egana-Mischler

    Stability, convergence to self-similarity and elastic limit for the Boltzmann equation for inelastic hard spheres

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    We consider the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation for {\em inelastic hard spheres}, in the framework of so-called {\em constant normal restitution coefficients} α∈[0,1]\alpha \in [0,1]. In the physical regime of a small inelasticity (that is α∈[α∗,1)\alpha \in [\alpha_*,1) for some constructive α∗>0\alpha_*>0) we prove uniqueness of the self-similar profile for given values of the restitution coefficient α∈[α∗,1)\alpha \in [\alpha_*,1), the mass and the momentum; therefore we deduce the uniqueness of the self-similar solution (up to a time translation). Moreover, if the initial datum lies in L31L^1_3, and under some smallness condition on (1−α∗)(1-\alpha_*) depending on the mass, energy and L31L^1_3 norm of this initial datum, we prove time asymptotic convergence (with polynomial rate) of the solution towards the self-similar solution (the so-called {\em homogeneous cooling state}). These uniqueness, stability and convergence results are expressed in the self-similar variables and then translate into corresponding results for the original Boltzmann equation. The proofs are based on the identification of a suitable elastic limit rescaling, and the construction of a smooth path of self-similar profiles connecting to a particular Maxwellian equilibrium in the elastic limit, together with tools from perturbative theory of linear operators. Some universal quantities, such as the "quasi-elastic self-similar temperature" and the rate of convergence towards self-similarity at first order in terms of (1−α)(1-\alpha), are obtained from our study. These results provide a positive answer and a mathematical proof of the Ernst-Brito conjecture [16] in the case of inelastic hard spheres with small inelasticity.Comment: 73 page

    Uniform semigroup spectral analysis of the discrete, fractional \& classical Fokker-Planck equations

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    In this paper, we investigate the spectral analysis (from the point of view of semi-groups) of discrete, fractional and classical Fokker-Planck equations. Discrete and fractional Fokker-Planck equations converge in some sense to the classical one. As a consequence, we first deal with discrete and classical Fokker-Planck equations in a same framework, proving uniform spectral estimates using a perturbation argument and an enlargement argument. Then, we do a similar analysis for fractional and classical Fokker-Planck equations using an argument of enlargement of the space in which the semigroup decays. We also handle another class of discrete Fokker-Planck equations which converge to the fractional Fokker-Planck one, we are also able to treat these equations in a same framework from the spectral analysis viewpoint, still with a semigroup approach and thanks to a perturbative argument combined with an enlargement one. Let us emphasize here that we improve the perturbative argument introduced in [7] and developed in [11], relaxing the hypothesis of the theorem, enlarging thus the class of operators which fulfills the assumptions required to apply it

    Quantitative uniform in time chaos propagation for Boltzmann collision processes

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    This paper is devoted to the study of mean-field limit for systems of indistinguables particles undergoing collision processes. As formulated by Kac \cite{Kac1956} this limit is based on the {\em chaos propagation}, and we (1) prove and quantify this property for Boltzmann collision processes with unbounded collision rates (hard spheres or long-range interactions), (2) prove and quantify this property \emph{uniformly in time}. This yields the first chaos propagation result for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation for true (without cut-off) Maxwell molecules whose "Master equation" shares similarities with the one of a L\'evy process and the first {\em quantitative} chaos propagation result for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation for hard spheres (improvement of the %non-contructive convergence result of Sznitman \cite{S1}). Moreover our chaos propagation results are the first uniform in time ones for Boltzmann collision processes (to our knowledge), which partly answers the important question raised by Kac of relating the long-time behavior of a particle system with the one of its mean-field limit, and we provide as a surprising application a new proof of the well-known result of gaussian limit of rescaled marginals of uniform measure on the NN-dimensional sphere as NN goes to infinity (more applications will be provided in a forthcoming work). Our results are based on a new method which reduces the question of chaos propagation to the one of proving a purely functional estimate on some generator operators ({\em consistency estimate}) together with fine stability estimates on the flow of the limiting non-linear equation ({\em stability estimates})

    On Kac's Chaos And Related Problems

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    This paper is devoted to establish quantitative and qualitative estimates related to the notion of chaos as firstly formulated by M. Kac in his study of mean-field limit for systems of NN undistinguishable particles. First, we quantitatively liken three usual measures of Kac's chaos, some involving the all NN variables, other involving a finite fixed number of variables. Next, we define the notion of entropy chaos and Fisher information chaos in a similar way as defined by Carlen et al (KRM 2010). We show that Fisher information chaos is stronger than entropy chaos, which in turn is stronger than Kac's chaos. More importantly, with the help of the HWI inequality of Otto-Villani, we establish a quantitative estimate between these quantities, which in particular asserts that Kac's chaos plus Fisher information bound implies entropy chaos. We then extend the above quantitative and qualitative results about chaos in the framework of probability measures with support on the Kac's spheres. Additionally to the above mentioned tool, we use and prove an optimal rate local CLT in L∞L^\infty norm for distributions with finite 6-th moment and finite LpL^p norm, for some p>1p>1. Last, we investigate how our techniques can be used without assuming chaos, in the context of probability measures mixtures introduced by De Finetti, Hewitt and Savage. In particular, we define the (level 3) Fisher information for mixtures and prove that it is l.s.c. and affine, as that was done previously for the level 3 Boltzmann's entropy.Comment: 80 pages. Last version before publicatio

    Stability, convergence to the steady state and elastic limit for the Boltzmann equation for diffusively excited granular media

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    We consider a space-homogeneous gas of {\it inelastic hard spheres}, with a {\it diffusive term} representing a random background forcing (in the framework of so-called {\em constant normal restitution coefficients} α∈[0,1]\alpha \in [0,1] for the inelasticity). In the physical regime of a small inelasticity (that is α∈[α∗,1)\alpha \in [\alpha_*,1) for some constructive α∗∈[0,1)\alpha_* \in [0,1)) we prove uniqueness of the stationary solution for given values of the restitution coefficient α∈[α∗,1)\alpha \in [\alpha_*,1), the mass and the momentum, and we give various results on the linear stability and nonlinear stability of this stationary solution
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